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Fallen Franchise

First we had the incredible recreation of dinosaurs for the first time. Then we had the discovery of a second island full of them. After that, we don't speak of the third. Fourth was the reopening and modernising of the original park.

Now, get ready for the fifth instalment of the Jurassic Park:

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.

To the wealthy people of the first world, dinosaurs are no longer impressive... apparently. Mankind is now making creatures of their own design that have never been seen before!

Oh, wait. That sounds exactly like the plot of the last movie. I mean, a genetically engineered dinosaur that escapes and kills a bunch of people before being taken down by Blue? Yep, same story for a large percentage of this movie.

The only thing that is doing anything to save this falling franchise is how much they're making people want their own baby raptor - well, a baby Blue, at least. With cute baby raptor home videos and the occasional raptor cuddle with Chris Pratt, you will leave the cinema awing and wanting yet another pet.

The start of the film was promising, having everyone hoping that this would be the boost to bring the series back to a higher status. Even during the beginning stages of the movie many believed this could be an incredible production. Sadly, however, not too far into the run time a grave mistake was made.

Many in the audience were quickly lost after the cruelest death possible unfolded on screen. Never will anyone involved in this movie be forgiven for the death of the brachiosaurus on the pier. Heads up Universal Pictures, I'm filling a lawsuit for trauma and emotional damages!

This film has left us with too many bad decisions, both on screen and behind the scenes. Clones, dinosaurs released into the human population, a child effectively deciding the fate of the world. Just a mess, a big genetically modified mess.

Would I watch it again? Yes. Would I pay money to see it again in cinemas? No. If you're like me, and simply enjoy mindless action, the excitement of dinosaurs, and just Chris Pratt in general - then this movie is fine to watch. It still doesn't make it a masterpiece, sorry Bayona (director of the film). But, I guess, it could have been worse.

3 / 5 Overall, not the worst movie ever - just not great.

Image Copyright 2018. Universal Pictures.



And Never Miss Anything

©2022 by J. Jammy May. 

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